Thursday, December 30, 2010
New Year's Thoughts
Dayum! LOL
So what have I learned this year? I've learned that I need to continue my efforts to take better care of me. I need to be a better steward of my emotional health as well as my physical health. I'm not journaling (here or anywhere else) nearly as much as I should be. Putting words down has always been a powerful tool for me. It helps me to work out stuff. I need to get back to that.
Welcome 2011. I'm a healthy, happy 42yo mom of a gorgeous 11yo girl. I have a great job that I like (most days) and I have a terrific husband who loves me. I have many more blessings than my hands or heart can hold. God is so good.
I want to keep my priorities straight and make sure I put my own needs on that list. As a woman, I'm a caregiver. Just need to make sure that some of that care trickles down to me. :)
Here's wishing all of you a healthy, happy and safe New Year. May God richly bless you with all you need and a big ole dose of what you want.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Christmas lights
It's the little things that are the bestest.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
What the season is...
It IS about Jesus. How would you feel if no one acknowledged it was YOUR birthday?
It's NOT about 84,000 parties, 83,995 of which you couldn't care less about attending.
It IS about family and love.
It's NOT about having unreasonable expectations. Norman Rockwell probably had no intention of making everyone miserable with his paintings. He was just painting a picture. Not setting the bar for normalcy.
It's about celebrating that Jesus came and what He came to do with the people who mean the most to us.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Casting Crowns-"Praise You In This Storm" (live)
This is one of the best songs ever and a perfect one for a bad day... or a bad string of days. It was written in honor of a woman who's daughter was dying of cancer, and who chose to trust God even when her whole world was falling apart.
If she can do it, I certainly can. I'm not facing anything CLOSE to that.
I trust God... that He knows what He's doing and that He loves me.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Kutless - What Faith Can Do
This is such an amazing song. Had to share. It's where my heart is today.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
- You just have to realize that you have limits.
- You have to ask for help even when you don't want to.
- You have to understand that you can't control everything in your environment.
- You realize that God is much better at His job than you are.
- You learn that you're not, in fact, 10 feet tall and bulletproof.
- You figure out that your own problems are not as big as you imagine.
- You relinquish your title as Chief Executive Maker of Mountains from Molehills.
- You just take a deep breath and rest.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Why is it that you want to eat copious amounts of chocolate when you have a crappy day? LOL
Monday, October 11, 2010
I started taking yoga because I knew I needed to add some strength training to my exercise routine, but I loathe... yes LOATHE, working on those inferal weight machines at the gym. BO---RING!
So I started taking a Monday night yoga class with a friend at my gym. I've been going for over a month now and I'm loving it. It's relaxing, even helps with a headache, AND my arms are getting totally toned. SCORE!
Who knew I'd get all zen and stuff? LOL
Sunday, September 26, 2010
I think things have finally quieted down for the moment. Dinner dishes are done. Laundry in the dryer. Husband lounging in the tub. Kiddo in the other room watching something produced by Disney and Momma's on her laptop ALONE with her big ole dawg. It's nice to have some alone time. Some "nobody needs me at this second" time.
Hopefully this week will be a little less hectic. I haven't been doing really well in the taking-care-of-myself department. Gotta do better on that.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Sometimes you just have to...
This is that time for me. I've been kicking and screaming and just making no progress, so I'm giving myself a break from the norm and just chilling out.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
I'm pretty proud of myself...
Monday, August 30, 2010
This Whole Grown Up Thing...
Why is it that we spend our childhoods wishing that we can be grown up so we can do whatever we want just to find out that being grownup DOES NOT mean doing whatever you want.
We were ROBBED, People!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Matt Maher - Hold us together with lyrics
I know I'm posting a boatload of videos lately, but music is really speaking to me as of late. This song is really powerful to me. It talks about what's really important and taking care of one another. I can't really add anything more significant than that...
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Cooler Weather!
This evening I met a friend at Starbucks. We sat on the patio with our iced lattes and had a really great visit. Good friends, good coffee, great weather. A wonderful day.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Sunday, Sunday...
I could sit back and beat myself up over this, but it wouldn't be productive. I have to forgive myself, learn from it and move on.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Mandisa - The Definition of Me
I first fell in love with Mandisa when she was teh "heavy girl" on American Idol. This song should be blasted from every woman/girl's speakers. It's about TRUE BEAUTY.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
We like it better when things are easy and you can see how it's all going to work out. It makes sense. It's logical and ascertainable. Unfortunately, life is rarely like that. Surprises happen, and sometimes they're not happy ones. Stuff happens that we don't expect and screws up our plans. BUT...
We have to remember that even though we were caught unawares, God was not. He knows the end from the beginning and he knows not only what will happen but how he's going to get us on the other side, wiser than we were before we started.
This faith thing is always worth it, but sometimes it's not all that easy.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Instant Perspective Check...
A lady I've become friends with online has been struggling with breast cancer for the last few months. She received chemo, but it was not effective. Now she's dealing with an inoperable brain tumor and aggressively growing tumors. She's young, married and has a young son who's about three.
WOW! This is one of those moments when you realize that we really have nothing to complain about. What's going on with me is nothing cataclysmic. Nothing that will alter anyone's life in the long run. It's not life and death. It's just stuff.
Father God, I lift up Sharon to you and ask you for her complete and total healing. Help me, Lord, to always remember what's important and what's not. AMEN.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Happy Sunday!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Onion Rings
Sometimes you think you've dealt with things in your past. Finished. Ovah! Kaput! Then.... something happens that just rips the scab off the wound. Wounds that you would have sworn were healed. To say that I have some complicated family relationships would be the understatement of the year. I spent a lot of time with some family I haven't seen in a long time and it was weird and good simultaneously.
Instead of letting it derail me, I'm going to view this whole thing as God's using the situation to do an even deeper healing. To completely put stuff to bed. To view these relationships in a new way in new place of maturity.
Onion Rings, anyone? :D
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Some days are just like that...
As Scarlett says, "Tomorrow IS another day." :D
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Loving my Kindle!
I've downloaded about 40 books so far... all freebies. My next selection will be Bram Stoker's Dracula. Then it I'll be on to some Jane Austen.
Kindle ROCKS!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
I love Staycation. I've needed this for a long time and just didn't realize how much. I've got to make taking care of me a bigger priority. There's got to be a balance for Mom to take care of everyone and still take care of herself.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Work day!
Today I concentrated on getting my house deep cleaned and my homework done. I'm taking an online class and I wanted to get this week's assignments done so that I can concentrate on spending the rest of my week in complete and utter relaxation. :D
As far as the Weight Watchers thing goes, I'm not really counting points this week. I'm still eating well and making sure I'm getting all my Good Health Guidelines, but I'm not writing everything down and religiously counting points. One: I'm on vacation and I'm not into it. Two: I need a new three month journal. I'll get a new one at meeting this weekend.
Tomorrow will be a trip to the gym for a good old-fashioned butt kickin' workout then off to the pool to relax and soak up some sun.
Night all!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Tuesday Tales
Monday, July 12, 2010
Monday, Monday... Staycation Edition
After being duly cultured, we headed to Bookstar and Kohl's for some good ole retail therapy. Ended our day with some cheeseburgers and sweet potato fries.
Not a bad way to start off our week, right?
Tomorrow we're planning swimming if the weather holds up.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Kiddo and I are taking a couple of days to have some mom/daughter time and then I'm taking the rest of the week to be completely and utterly selfish. :D
Friday, June 18, 2010
I'll do my very bestest to be better at keeping this thing up. It's good for me to get my thoughts down.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Rain, Rain, Go Away!
On a brighter note, I did get the wretched Courts and Procedures paper done today. I still have some proofreading to do, but the hardest part is over. Now it's just spit and polish. YAY! Now I can get started on my pro bono paper for Ethics and start on my group project research. Remind me again why I wanted to go back to school... :D
I'm really thankful that this week is Spring Break. I needed some time to get caught back up and get organized. I was feeling incredibly tired and completely out of control. I hate out of control... and overwhelmed. Overwhelmed sucks. I'm the mom, I'm' supposed to be in control, right? LOL
Now I'm kicked back, watching The Biggest Loser. I hate that Jillian's team has to eliminate someone, but I love watching the "Transformation Moments." I'm a sucker for a new beginning.
After the show, I'm going to FB for awhile and then chill out in a hot bath.
Peace out, Y'all! :D
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Second, I am waxing very philosophical and I realize how incredibly fortunate we are. As I said, I'm in a warm house, under a warm blanket with sleeves, typing on a laptop, watching an HD TV, snuggling with my family and pets. What in the world do I have to whine about? We've had plenty of good food at our disposal. On Monday, I will return to a job that I actually like and am good at. My husband will return to work at a job he enjoys as well. Our daughter is happy and healthy and normal.
I think of all the people that are so much less fortunate than I am and it makes me thankful for every thing I have. I might not have the biggest and best things or have a closet full of designer duds, but I have so much more than I even need. My pets live better than some people in this world. They are warm and safe and well fed.
Thank you, Lord, for all your blessings. Make me more conscious of what I can do to be a blessing to someone else.
Monday, January 11, 2010
It's a new year...
SO... what do I intend to do with said clean slate? What is on the agenda for my 41st year on Planet Earth?
First, I want to finally make my goal weight. I'm over halfway through, so I'd like to hit Lifetime status at Weight Watchers. It's not been a quick fix by any stretch, but I have made habits that will last a lifetime and will keep this stuff off for good.
Second, I'm starting school next week to finish up my degree. It's been a bit of unfinished business that has bothered me for a long time. Granted, I have a great job and I really don't NEED to finish, but it's something I really want to do. You never know when you'll need it to fall back on or what God might be preparing me for in the future.
Spiritually, I want to be more serious about my prayer life and Bible reading. It's easy to talk about that stuff, but it's whole other thing to actually get that done. It's the foundation on which everything else is built. God isn't going to take me to a new place if I don't have that part of my life in order.
So there you go. My resolutions, so to speak.
What do you have in mind for 2010?